What is Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl)?

(H) Hydrogen, (O) Oxygen, (Cl) Chlorine

HOCl has been known for 150 years. Our white blood cells naturally produce HOCl to fight infection in our bodies. HOCl is amazingly effective and carries a neutral charge, which naturally attracts negatively charged bacteria and viruses.

Chlorine in water splits into two forms, HOCl and Hypochlorite (OCl-). At the high pH range, which is the chlorine solution provided by bleach, chlorine is in the OCl- form and offers less germ-killing power. Even at dilutions as low as 1 ounce of bleach to a gallon of water, the pH of the solution is 10.25, and all of the chlorine is in the hypochlorite form (OCl-) ion. When produced in the 5.0 to 6.0 pH range, HOCl comprises 100% of the free available chlorine. Studies show that HOCl has up to 100 times the disinfecting power of OCl- (bleach).

Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) FAQs

Disinfexol is not even close to a diluted form of bleach. While hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and bleach (sodium hyochlorite, or NaCIO) are both types of chlorine, they are vastly different. Chlorine in water splits into two forms, hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and Hypochlorite (OCl-).

At the high pH, which is the chlorine solution provided by bleach, chlorine in the hypochlorite OCl- form. As pH rises, less hypochlorous acid and more hypochlorite is in the solution, which means less germ killing power is available. According to a University of Illinois study, HOCl is 120 times more effective as a sanitizer than the -OCl ion. Even at dilutions as low as 1 ounce of bleach to a gallon of water, the pH of the solution is 10.25 and all of chlorine is in the hypochlorite form (OCl-) ion.

HOCl has a different chemical composition than bleach. It is produced in the 5 to 6 pH range and is the molecule that kills microbes. HOCl is the same substance your white blood cells produce to fight infection. It’s also the active ingredient commonly used in wound, eye and veterinary care products because it’s so gentle and effective.

The chlorine provided by Disinfexol is in the Hypochlorous (HOCl) form. It contains no lye or any other toxins and it is stable – lasting 1 year in our ready-to-use bottles.

HOCl is a well-known Reactive Chlorine Species (RCS) and powerful oxidizing agent that reacts with the side chains of several amino acids. Specifically, HOCl oxidizes amino acids that contain sulfur, such as cysteine and methionine, and amines. In doing so, HOCl causes the formation of unstable intermediates in amino acids, and ultimately the degradation of proteins and enzymes that are critical to microbial functions. HOCl’s mechanism varies depending on bacteria type, but generally it degrades proteins in the inner membrane of bacteria that are responsible for producing ATP, replicating DNA, and transporting needed molecules across the inner membrane. HOCl can kill bacteria incredibly quickly in as little as 0.1 seconds after exposure.

Source: Gray, M. J., Wholey, W., & Jakob, U. (2013). Bacterial Responses to Reactive Chlorine Species. Annual Review of Microbiology, 67, 141-160.

No. Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QACs) are a specific type of nitrogen-containing compound that serve as common cleaning products. They have similar bactericidal action as HOCl in that they disrupt or inactivate critical energy-producing enzymes and essential cell membrane proteins. However, research has shown that QACs might be linked to asthma and other lung issues and skin and eye irritation. “Quats” are normally comprised of alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride (ADBAC) and didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride (DDAC). They are also generally surfactants with a positive (cationic) charge. Disinfexol is comprised of .065% HOCl and 99.935% reverse osmosis water, does not have adverse health effects for humans, possesses no toxins or preservatives, no surfactants and has a neutral charge (attracting it to negatively charged micro-organisms), low molecular weight and is smaller, enabling it to diffuse more quickly

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/guidelines/disinfection/disinfection-methods/chemical.html


Cleaners are not registered with the EPA and cannot make public health claims on their label such as killing germs or having any anti-microbial action. Cleaning removes germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces or objects using soap or detergent. This process does not necessarily kill germs, but by removing them, it lowers their numbers and the risk of spreading infection.

Sanitizing lowers the number of germs on surfaces or objects to a safe level, as judged by public health standards or requirements.

Disinfecting kills germs on surfaces or objects. This process does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs, but by killing germs on a surface after cleaning, it can further lower the risk of spreading infection.

Disinfexol cleans AND disinfects in one-step!

Disinfexol is BOTH. It is first and foremost an EPA registered disinfectant and is on List N, but is also a mild cleaner. As a bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal, Disinfexol kills 99.99% of viruses and germs, including Human Coronavirus, Rhinovirus, Adenovirus, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa and Trichophyton. Our product was rigorously tested and approved for kill claims by a GLP lab “with soil”, meaning that we are a ready-to-use, ONE-STEP process of clean and disinfectant.

Most other disinfectants require a pre-clean or a rinse. We don’t. We are one-step, not two-steps, and this makes Disinfexol far more convenient and cost effective.

As part of the EPA registration process, disinfectant products are put through rigorous testing to prove their efficacy and measure toxicity. The EPA registers three types of disinfectants: Limited, Broad, and Hospital. All three disinfectants destroy or irreversibly inactivate certain microorganisms on hard, inanimate surfaces and objects, however, hospital efficacy is the highest bar to clear because it requires killing the most difficult of bacteria.

Disinfexol is a hospital-grade disinfectant. In addition, testing mandates that products be assigned to a toxicity category: The categories range from category 1 (highly toxic) to category 4 (no exposure warnings required on the label). Disinfexol received an EPA category 4 rating for all exposure routes with the exception of eye irritation if direct contact is made.

Yes. Disinfexol has been tested by multiple 3rd party independent labs (GLP). To secure EPA registration as hospital grade, get added to List N and pass one year shelf-life stability, Disinfexol was tested in GLP labs using extremely rigorous EPA approved testing protocols, over multiple lots. Suppliers, purity, concentration & processing of all individual ingredients were approved, with strict statistical limits on all, along with rigorous safety reviews.

Yes, Disinfexol is EPA registered (EPA Reg # 95747-1) as a hospital grade Cleaner and Disinfectant. Disinfexol is also listed on the “List N” which is comprised of the products that meet the EPA’s criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Absolutely! Disinfexol has proven to kill Human Coronavirus in GLP testing and is on “List N”, which means it meets the EPA’s criteria to use against SARS-CoV-2. In addition, the new normal created by COVID-19 demands safe, reliable disinfectants. Due to its purity, Disinfexol is a completely safe, everyday disinfectant for you and your families.

Just like bubbles in a carbonated drink, hypochlorous acid starts to dissipate over time. Other competing HOCl products lose their efficacy very quickly – usually within a few short weeks, even though they claim to have long shelf life.

When deciding which products to purchase, sellers understand that most buyers don’t read the fine print. They’re great a playing the wordsmith game in their marketing. But EPA labels present the facts; they tell the whole story. An example of some wording you will find on labels for HOCl products includes, “Must use within 30 days as a disinfectant. Thereafter may be used as a sanitizer and deodorizer…”

Disinfexol is vastly different. We use a proprietary process that enables us to produce stable, long-lasting HOCl which is then sold in ready-to-use bottles with PROVEN, GLP certified shelf life of 1 year. We stand behind our real, 1 year shelf-life and Disinfexol is the only HOCl product on the market today that can make this claim!

Disinfexol can be used on any hard, non-porous surface for any job requiring cleaning, deodorizing or disinfecting. It is perfect for counters, tables, desks, chairs, floors, appliances, fitness equipment, yoga mats, walls, cell phones, etc.

On hard, non-porous surfaces simply spray Disinfexol until thoroughly wet, let sit for 5 minutes, wipe surface with clean cloth/towel or let air dry.

Many disinfectants require a rinse afterwards. Two steps. Most products with HOCl as their active ingredient require a pre-clean. Two steps. Disinfexol, on the other hand, is a one-step process. No need to pre-clean or rinse. As an EPA registered, hospital-grade cleaner and disinfectant, you simply spray the surface and allow Disinfexol to do the work.

Disinfexol has zero added fragrances. It has a light swimming pool scent that’s naturally created during the electrolyzed process. The scent is from the active ingredient, hypochlorous acid, which is the same ingredient commonly used in wound, eye & veterinary care products because it’s so gentle and effective. This is different from sodium hypochlorite (bleach). Hypochlorous acid is the same type of chlorine your immune system produces to fight infection. It is stronger than bleach, yet far safer.

No. It is 99.935% reverse osmosis water. Tests by an independent lab proved Disinfexol’s “non-volatile residue” to be excellent. In other words, it doesn’t leave behind the same harmful residues as conventional cleaners, which often must be wiped after application. Simply spray on any surface and wipe dry with a clean cloth or paper towel.

Many natural or green cleaning products contain preservatives that are actually harmful allergens & irritants. Disinfexol, on the other hand, is 99.935% reverse water and .065% HOCl (chlorine). There are no scents, dyes, salt, sodium hydroxide (NaOH or lye), toxins, surfactants, preservatives, or any other caustic ingredients. It has a light chlorine smell and is skin safe.

Disinfexol offers the best of both worlds. It is green, natural, and safe, yet it packs an extremely powerful germ killing punch!

Yes. Disinfexol should always be used in a fashion consistent with the directions on our label, however, unlike the threat posed by many other cleaners and disinfectants (oftentimes loaded with carcinogens), Disinfexol is free of dangerous synthetic chemicals and is gentle enough to use around people and pets.

We are the actual manufacturer of Disinfexol. We are not a distributor, or reseller, or sales group. We are not reliant on any third party for production. We created and developed our product, we designed and built our own production machines, we produce Disinfexol in our ISO 9001:2015 facility using GMP guidelines.

Yes. We offer several different tiers of pricing depending on size of your order(s). By meeting a $2,500 minimum order, we offer ‘Wholesale’ pricing. For our large distribution partners, we offer even better pricing.

Disinfexol ships to all 48 continental US States. Your order should be delivered to your door within 10 days.

Key Considerations


The perfect disinfectant must be safe for use around people and pets and effective in swiftly eliminating a wide range of pathogens. HOCl is the solution.

  • Its harmless nature is attributed to its non-toxic and hypoallergenic composition, mirroring the elements found naturally in the white blood cells of every mammal.
  • As an optimal choice, HOCl provides effective disinfection without harmful byproducts, ensuring a thorough yet gentle approach.
  • Regarding cleanliness, hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is environmentally friendly and breaks down into harmless components of salt and water.

Key Considerations


HOCl has been evaluated by regulatory agencies (including USDA, FDA, EPA, NIH, CDC) and healthcare institutions, professional organizations, independent laboratories, and academic institutions in more than 50 countries.

  • NIH concluded “HOCl may be the disinfectant of choice for coronaviruses.”
  • Another NIH study determined that no-touch fogging with HOCl at a low concentration of 20-200 ppm reduces virus transmission from one site to another.
  • NIH also noted “HOCl is used in the treatment of [eye inflammation] by reducing the bacterial load on the surface of the eye.”
  • USDA clarified that HOCl is appropriate for organic production and handling. USDA also states that HOCl can be used as a no-rinse disinfectant on fruit and vegetables.
  • HOCl is considered by the FDA to be “the agent that has the highest bactericidal activity against a broad range of microorganisms” (US FDA, 2015).
  • HOCl > OCl– > inorganic chloramines > organic chloramines. The hierarchy clearly shows that free chlorine is more efficacious than combined chlorine. Also, as noted above, HOCl is 100 times more effective as a disinfectant than OCl–. Consequently, free chlorine is most effective at a pH of 5 to 7, where HOCl is the predominant form.” (OSU Biological Safety/Environmental Health & Safety, Dec. 2011)

Efficacy & Claims

In general, HOCl has been proven to be highly effective against a wide variety of bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold and mildew based on results by independent test labs and scientific journals. These include:


Acinetobacter baumannii
Bacteroides fragilis
Bordetella bronchiseptica (Kennel Cough)
C. Difficile
Corynebacterium diphtherieae
Enterobacter aerogenes
Escherichia coli (0157)
Haemophilus influenzae
Enterococcus species (VRE)
Helicobacter pylori
Herpes Simplex Virus
Klebsiella pneumonia
Klebsiella oxytoca
Legionella pneumophila
Listeria monocytogenes (Listeria)
Methicillin Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Micrococcus Luteus
Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare
Mycobacterium bovis (TB)
Mycobacterium chelonae
Mycobacterium terrae
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB)
Mycobacterium xenopi
Proteus mirabilus
Mycobacterium smegmatis
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Salmonella choleraesuis
Salmonella enterica (Salmonella)
Serratia marcescens
Staphylococcus aureus (Staph)
Staphylococcus pyogenes
Streptococcus pneumonia
Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus (VRE)
Vibrio vulnificus


Adenovirus type 1 & 4
Avian Influenza H5N1
Bacteriophage MS2
Canine Distemper
Canine Parvovirus
Feline Calicivirus
Hepatitis A&B (HAV)
Herpes virus type 1
Human Coronavirus, Strain 229E
Human Norovirus (Norwalk)
Influenza including H1N1, H5N1 and H7N9
MS2 virus
Norovirus (Human and Murine)
Poliovirus type 1 & 2
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
Swine Flu Virus (H1N1)
Zygosaccharomices bailii


Aspergilus niger
Candida albicans
Mildew – Erysiphales, Peronosporacea
Mold – Ascomycota, Botrytis
Trichophyton interdigitale
Trichophyton mentagrophytes

Key Considerations


“HOCl comprises many of the desired effects of the ideal disinfectant: It is easy to use, has a good safety profile, and can be used to disinfect large areas quickly and with a broad range of bactericidal and virucidal effects.”

““Healthcare acquired infections are increasing. Current cleaning and disinfecting (C&D) methods subject staff to toxic chemicals and can be damaging to the facility. Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a disinfecting solution that is 80–200 times more effective than bleach in surface disinfection of bacteria yet is nontoxic to humans.”

“Hypochlorous acid does not cause irritation to eyes and skin. Even it were ingested it causes no harm. Because it is so safe, it is the ideal sanitizer for direct food sanitation and food contact surfaces. It is also ideal in healthcare where it is used for wound cleansing, eye drops, and patient room disinfection replacing toxic chemicals such as bleach and quaternary ammonium (quats). Sanitation chemicals distributed in concentrated form are toxic and can be hazardous. Contact with skin or inhalation of fumes can cause irritation. These risks do not exist with hypochlorous acid.”

“HOCl exhibits broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity that is directly toxic to many bacteria and fungi and might also impart antiviral properties. Hypochlorous acid exhibits anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties based on multiple laboratory analyses. These properties appear to correlate with the potential therapeutic benefits of topically applied HOCl for a variety of skin disorders. Topical formulations of stabilized, pH-neutral HOCl (e.g., solution, gel, spray) have been evaluated in several studies demonstrating both antimicrobial effects and therapeutic benefit in many cutaneous disorders, including seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis-associated pruritus, acne vulgaris, diabetic foot ulcers, and hypertrophic scars/keloids. Topical HOCl appears to be well tolerated and safe, without any major adverse events reported.”